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Find better candidates and make smarter hiring decisions with a skills-based hiring process.

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HireReach provides organizations with a framework, tools and support to implement skills-based hiring in less than six months.

Skills-Based Hiring

At a time when labor market is tight, organizations can implement a skills-based approach to hiring candidates based on their potential, not past experience. 

Organizations that implement a skills-based hiring approach have reported:

  • Broader, more diverse talent pool.

  • Reduction in turnover.

  • Increase in diversity.

  • Increase in retention.

  • Improved hiring speed.

Evidence-Based Selection

Evidence-based selection (EBS) is the foundation of the HireReach skills-based hiring model. This structured, data-driven approach helps organizations identify competencies related to job performance, provides reliable tools to measure them, and offers a standardized, consistent process proven to increase the quality of hires.


The Science behind HireReach.

Download the Evidence-Based Selection Guidebook to learn more about the foundation of HireReach's model for implementing skills-based hiring. Also includes supplemental topics such as ROI analyses, measuring quality of hire and validation studies.
Complete the form to download the Evidence-based Selection Guidebook.

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HireReach is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP or SHRC-SCP recertification activities.

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